How To Keep Rodents Out Of Your Hudson Valley Restaurant

house mouse eating

It is not easy to run a successful restaurant. It requires the following: constant attention to detail; food worth telling your friends about; and an environment that invites people in. Although we cannot help you with your day-to-day tasks or the quality of your food, we do have options to help you keep your restaurant safe from pest threats like rodents. Here are some common rodents that commonly cause trouble for Hudson Valley restaurant owners and what you should do to keep these pests away from your establishment.

Wild Rodents That Invade Local Restaurants

There are many kinds of rodents that live in the Hudson Valley. We have small rodents like mice and voles, ground rodents like gophers, and big rodents like rats and squirrels. Some common rodents you might find inside your restaurant are house mice, Norway rats, roof rats, and squirrels. Why do these pests like invading homes and businesses? Because they provide them with areas to hide, food to eat, and things to drink.

Problems Rodents Cause For Restaurant Owners

It is normal to have a slight fear of rodents, especially as a restaurant owner. Although not typically aggressive, mice, rats, and squirrels are capable of harming humans with the diseases they carry. Rodents are also extremely destructive and annoying. Two things you should be worried about are rodents "using the restroom" on or inside your food or one of these pests scampering through your dining room, mid-service.

What DIY Tips Help To Keep Away Rodents?

There are many options to stop wild rodents from breaking into your Hudson Valley restaurant. One involves implementing DIY prevention tips. If you are up for the task, here are some tips and tricks our experts recommend.

  • Clean your dining room and kitchen thoroughly after your final service of the day.
  • Make sure your trash cans have tight-fitting lids.
  • Store food inside air-tight containers or inside a freezer or refrigerator.
  • Wipe down sinks, fix leaky piping, and address other moisture sources around your restaurant.
  • Use a caulking gun or some liquid cement to fill in holes, cracks, and spaces in your building’s exterior foundation.
  • Reduce the clutter in and around your building.
  • Keep up with your lawn and landscaping.

Why Professional Rodent Control Is Your Best Option

Using DIY rodent control is by no means a guaranteed solution to keeping these pests at bay. If you cannot risk having mice, rats, or squirrels inside your restaurant, your best option is to partner with a rodent control specialist. They will put in place long-lasting treatments and control methods to stop invasive rodents before they find their way indoors. If you find a reliable pest control company, they will also be on call for any pest problems that arise between their scheduled visits.

The Reason Businesses Choose Pestmaster® Services For Their Rodent Control Needs

Keeping different kinds of rodents out of your restaurant is important to us here at Pestmaster® Services. What is even more important is protecting you against the many problems pests cause local restaurant owners. We know how hard you work to keep your business running smoothly and to maintain your public image. For this reason, we will work just as hard to implement advanced control methods to help you fight back against a range of invasive and problematic area pests. Do not settle for just okay commercial rodent control, choose the experts at Pestmaster® Services and find out what it feels like to have someone else be as committed to your success as you are.

Contact us now to learn more about how we come alongside restaurant owners and schedule your property for a detailed service visit.