Bed bugs have gained an unfair reputation of targeting dirty homes more than clean ones when this just isn't the case. Bed bug control is essential for everyone to know, as anyone could be vulnerable to an infestation. Here's what Albany residents need to know about bed bugs, natural pest control for bed bugs in the form of prevention, and local pest control for bed bugs.
How Do Bed Bugs Get Around?
For the most part, bed bugs are known as hitchhiking pests. Not only can they infiltrate your home and business on pant legs, shoes, bags, and inside suitcases, but they can already be inside secondhand furniture and appliances. Aside from taking rides on unsuspecting victims, they will also walk a fair distance between office or apartment units to infest new areas.
In addition to walking out the front door of an infested home and into another, they can travel between wall voids. Bed bugs are hard to predict and prevent, but that doesn't mean there aren't bed bug control techniques for your home that might save you time, anxiety, and money on pest control to kill bed bugs who've already come inside.
Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?
The biggest threats from these nuisances pests are all secondary side effects. For example, bed bug bites can be painful and itchy to the point of victims losing sleep. Not only can this put your immune system at greater risk of contracting an illness, but it can mean a higher frequency of automobile or workplace accidents. These bites can also result in secondary skin infections.
While bed bugs aren't going to leave you seriously ill with a bite, that doesn't mean they aren't a threat worthy of calling local pest control for bed bugs. If you're losing sleep, bed bug control is a necessity.
What Are Some Tips To Keep From Bringing Bed Bugs Into My House?
For the most part, prevention is made up of knowing your enemy. Where do they often come in? How and where might they attach to my stuff? The answer to these questions informs the following prevention tips:
- When staying in a hotel, do a thorough sweep of the room, checking the bed and underneath the bed for signs of bed bugs.
- In hotels and other public spaces, don't store your clothing or luggage on the floor.
- After traveling, immediately wash and dry your clothing and vacuum out your luggage.
- Install door sweeps, especially if you're in a multi-unit building.
- Before bringing secondhand furniture indoors, check very carefully for signs of bed bugs.
Practicing these bed bug control techniques for your home can give you the most natural pest control for bed bugs you can get, but if you find yourself dealing with an active infestation, there's only one way to get rid of them for good: bed bug pest control in Albany.
What's The Best Way To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?
The best pest control to kill bed bugs fast and for good is Pestmaster® Services. Our unique K-9 detection dogs can sniff out everywhere bed bugs have spread inside your home, so we can get them all on the first sweep. We know that pest control services need to be individualized to the needs of the client, so our Pestmaster® Services professionals will work with you to discover the right treatment for your situation. To get rid of bed bugs fast, call Pestmaster® Services today for the best bed bug pest control in Albany.