When most people picture dangerous or destructive rodents they think of mice and rats that frequently invade homes and yards. Other common rodents can be just as damaging to your health and property, however. For example, those jumpy squirrels you see out in the yard aren’t as harmless as you might think. It pays to learn all there is to know about proper prevention and control.
What To Know About Squirrels
Squirrels are forestland creatures that are often found climbing on and around trees. Thanks to the many urban parks and decorative yards in modern society, however, squirrels have managed to thrive just about everywhere. It’s this prevalence that makes people not think twice about squirrels -- some people even feed them. While they are distinct from other rodents thanks to their curly tails that bob behind them, squirrels share a lot of similarities to their tiny, mammal cousins. Just like other rodents, squirrels have front teeth that grow for their entire lives. That means they must file them down by chewing on hard materials like wood and nutshells. It’s this trait that makes all rodents such damaging pests, able to cause all kinds of destruction to personal property.
The Dangers Of A Squirrel Infestation
While many people find them adorable, squirrels aren’t without their dangers. Just like other rodents, squirrels can transmit diseases and cause extensive property damage.
Here are some of the dangers that squirrels can pose to your property:
- Disease: Many people know that rats are carriers of plague, but they don’t think about the fact that squirrels, as rodents, also help transmit this disease. Other diseases squirrels may carry include typhus and tularemia.
- Parasites: Event rodents that aren’t carriers themselves can be infested with dangerous parasites like ticks and fleas, which can easily spread disease to people and pets.
- Damage: With their constant chewing, squirrels can chew through electrical wiring and decorative plants. They can also dig through or pry holes into wooden materials with their burrowing tendencies.
Squirrel Prevention For Your Property
The best way to protect your home from the problems that squirrels cause is to take preventative measures to keep them off your property.
Here are some simple steps you can take to do just that:
- Landscaping: Generally keeping a well-trimmed yard will make your property less attractive to pests, but it’s particularly important to keep tree limbs cut back away from any exterior walls. Encroaching branches act as highways for squirrels.
- Holes & Cracks: Even tiny faults in the walls or foundation of a home can provide squirrels with enough room to chip away at or chew through wooden slats and gain entry to a structure. Once hunkered down in walls or vents, squirrels are nearly impossible to remove on your own.
- Chimneys & Vents: Squirrels can also gain access through open vents, chimneys, and windows. Ensure these areas have grates or screens that prevent squirrels from crawling through.
For Total Control, Call The Professionals
Because we don’t pay them much mind, squirrels can quickly invade our properties and find safe places to nest. Once this happens, a full-blown infestation is just around the corner, as rodents are the fastest reproductive mammals on the planet. To truly eliminate and protect your property from squirrels, it’s best to trust the experts. At Pestmaster® Services, our technicians can start right away on an inspection, to determine your level of risk for invasion by squirrels or other rodents. If problem areas are spotted, we’ll work with you to address them. If squirrels have already made a home out of your property, you should act quickly to avoid damage and health hazards. Call Pestmaster® Services right away for quick, effective removal.